Friday, January 11, 2008

How to write a good title or headline

Since I am new to this blogging thing, I was doing a little surfin' to see if I could get any tips on how to write good blogs. I came across a page called "How to write a good headline".

He said the purpose of a Headline was to get your first sentence read and the purpose of your first sentence was to get the second sentence read and so on .....

It sounded good to me.

The hard part, writing the good headline.

SO..... he did mention this software called 'Glyphius' that is supposed to rank your writing whether it is just a headline or a paragraph and tell you how well it will go over.

I thought I might try it.

If you have tried it, let me know what you think.

Its a little expensive, (around $100) but I guess if you are really trying to get your blog read then maybe its worthwhile.

Heres the link to check out the sales page if you want to read more about it. Click Here!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years Resolutions

I am currently working on my New Years resolutions. This is the time of year we all promise ourselves to make change and quite often we fail after the first week or the first month.

This year I think my first resolution is to only make resolutions I can actually achieve and do to completion.

I started some change in my life last year and I think I am definately going to continue with this change.

So for my first declared resolution of 2008 -

I resolve to write down all my resolutions here on this blog as a way of keeping me on track. I will come back as often as necessary to update and add to my resolutions.