Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sports Nutrition

With the coming of spring many of us are headed out and joining summer leagues to play softball, go swimming or maybe ultimate Frisbee. Now is a good time to look at sports nutrition and how it can help us perform better and (especially for those of us, like me, that are in the over 40 crowd) recover quicker.

Protein and Diet

The primary reason athletes require protein is to repair and rebuild muscle that is broken down during exercise. Protein also helps to optimize carbohydrate storage in the form of glycogen. Protein isn’t the best source of fuel for exercise, but the body can and will use protein when there is not enough carbohydrates in your diet. This is not a good thing.

If protein is used for fuel, there isn’t enough available to repair and rebuild body tissues, including muscle. And in the case of a starvation type diet, the body will even steal protein from the muscles including the heart.

If you are an athlete that is into strength training you might believe more protein is important to build muscle. It turns out that strength athletes actually require high carbohydrate intake. The glycogen stored up from carbohydrates is required to fuel their workouts. It is the strength training workout that leads to increased muscle mass and strength.

This is because all high intensity, powerful muscle contractions (such as weight lifting) are fueled with carbohydrates. Neither fat nor protein can be oxidized rapidly enough to meet the demands of high-intensity exercise. You must get enough dietary carbohydrates in your daily diet to restore glycogen levels. Protein is necessary for the rebuilding and repair of the muscle, but carbohydrates can’t be ignored.

Many athletes support rapid recovery and repair of muscle tissue with protein shakes and powders. Don’t settle for mere protein, use a clinically proven Bio-Build® formula that combines 18 vitamins and minerals and essential amino acids. This will provide the body the nutrients it needs for recovery and repair, and for rebuilding muscle tissue.

Water and Staying Hydrated

Proper hydration is especially important during exercise. For athletes, drinking water is essential to comfort, performance and safety. The longer and more intense your exercise routine, the more important it is to drink the right kind of fluids and in the proper amounts.

A majority of people do NOT get enough fluids in their system each day especially when exercising.

Athletes, ever weekend athletes, need to stay hydrated for optimal performance. Studies have found that water loss due to sweating is linked to a drop in blood volume. This condition can cause the heart to work harder and can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, fatigue and even heat illness such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Causes of Dehydration can include

· Inadequate fluid intake
· Excessive sweating
· Failure to replace fluid losses during and after exercise
· Exercising in dry, hot weather
· Drinking only when thirsty

Consumption of beverages containing electrolytes and carbohydrates can help sustain fluid-electrolyte balance and exercise performance.

To help avoid early fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps, lightheadedness, and nausea, the body must stay hydrated to replenish these nutrients.

Whether you’re an elite athlete or just an aspiring one, an Endurance Sport Drink is the perfect drink during workouts. This thirst-quenching beverage keeps you hydrated and sustains energy. The advanced OptiCarb® formula enhances endurance, giving you the extra fuel to reach your performance goals.

Read some bio’s of other athletes who use products to make workouts and sports more enjoyable before, during and after. They help both the amateur and the professional.

Here is to your health and Making Life More...

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