Sunday, February 24, 2008

Home Candle Business for men

Home Candle Business for Men

Are you looking for a way to make a little extra money or even enough to quit your full time job? A home candle business can be the answer especially if you are a man.Do a search of all the candle websites and home candle business networkmarketers and you will find it is over 90% women. This is not a bad thing, actually it is a great thing if you are a man. It is a market that is wide open for men and there is a demand to fill this niche.Don't think just because it is mostly women that buy candles that you can't be successful as a man in this business. If is just the opposite.If you are really looking for a networkmarketing business, candles are the perfect place to get started.

So what can I offer to you?

Candles are one of the top selling gifts in America. They have even been voted the top gift choice in recent polling.They are a hot product and with the advent of new, gourmet, healthy wax candles that don't produce the harmful soot and toxins the home candle business is really in its infancy.The opportunity is there, it only requires someone who has the desire to create a network and the ability to be trained to do it right.That is where I come in. I have a team of people ready to help you be successful in your home candle business.We are ready to be your mentor and coach, are you ready to join us?

Your Home Candle Business -

Here are 3 ways we can train you to make money

It is very important for you to be clear on what you are trying to achieve and what your goals are when you start a new business. A home candle business is no different. It is your commitment that ultimately determines your success.We are here to match you level of commitment. There are 3 ways for you to make money and achieve success with a network marketing home business.

- Retail sales: This is one of the best ways to make money quickly. It is a perfect way to get some money in the bank quickly so you can stop using your personal funds to support your business. The old adage of "It takes money to make money" is quite often true.This can include home parties, office parties, open houses, information seminars, direct face to face selling, booths, shows, expos, gift baskets, corporate gifts, realtor open house and new home buyer gifts; teacher and specialty gifts; and much more. You are only limited by your imagination.From my experience this is quite often the place where most men feel inadaquate. How can we talk about candles. WE don't burn candles. But just imagine having something to talk about to all those women you come in contact with everyday at work, at the store, everywhere. Don't you think they would find it refreshing to hear about something besides the game on TV last night.

- Fundraisers: There are hundreds of groups out there doing fundraisers all the time. Schools, bands, clubs, sports teams. This is where I think being a man can give us a little advantage. When you call up the local youth football league, the coach is usually male. And no matter how far women have come in the workplace, the football coach will more often than not listen to you, a Man, before he does a woman.It seems like the more things change the more they stay the same. I have a huge respect for women in the workplace and even more so women who choose to stay at home and take care of their kids while trying to do a work from home job. But despite my feelings, men (and sometimes even women) working in business, making monetary decisions will quite often go with a male salesman over a female. It may be a sad fact but I believe it is a fact and its just another reason I see a home candle business as being a perfect place for the right guy to really make it big.

- Team building: Team building is what creates residual income. It is how you can leverage time and make it work for you instead of against you.The Heart of Network Marketing is team building. It is not a pyramid scheme but a solid marketing approach that allows you to get paid on what you do as well as get a residual income of the efforts you put into your team.

Learn more about a Candle Business

Educate yourself on what is involved in a home candle business and how network marketing really works.

Understanding Network Marketing
Learn more on what Network Marketing really is and what it is not. This video explains exctly how you can leverage time to create residual income. Get paid over and over for work you do one time. Learn how.

Candle Business Presentation
Watch this short video presentation to see more about the candle business and the many different ways to build income including: retail, fundraising and team building.

What makes this opportunity the right business opportunity

There are hundreds of home businesses out there - here is why to choose a home candle business

1. Product is something people want and use. There is no complicated message to get across. If people will smell them, you can sell them.

2. Product is highly consumable allowing for repeat sales.

3. The products wholesale price is low enough that you can make a good income through retail sales. This allows you to create income quickly.

4. Retail income will give you an opperating budget so you can market online and off without cutting into your personal savings.

5. Safe and Natural wax candles are a young industry. The competion is still low and the niche for men selling candles is almost empty. The opportunity is wide open waiting for someone to fill it.

6. Low monthly cost to be a distributor - Less than $50. And you get enough product that you can recoup this cost through retail sales.

7. A marketing plan that allows you to generate an income to replace a full time job (and more).

8. Team training and individul coaching to help you reach your business goals.

9. The ability to make money in a variety of ways. You are not locked into doing business in just one way, choose the method that fits your personality and business goals.

To learn more go to Bella Scented Candles

Let me help you reach your goals - one step at a time.

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