Sunday, February 24, 2008

Internet Marketing for the average person

Can a Little Guy Battle the Gurus in the Game of Internet Marketing?

You may think that thousands of people are flocking online daily to seek out their rightful place among Internet marketing giants who have created a virtual empire of passive profits.

But while they may be looking into it, many prospective Internet marketers are too intimidated to actually do anything to stake their claim.

The primary reason? They don't know how to produce a product with an unusual or unique slant.

But guess what, you don't have to produce a product at all, and you don't have to be an expert or guru to start earning money with Internet Marketing.

Whats your reason?
Many newbie 'net marketers believe that if one person is already successfully selling an information product on affiliate marketing, then there's no room at the top, so they drop their dreams and return to the shackles of a 9-5 daily grind in corporate America (or elsewhere in the world).

You can be successful.

There is more to internet marketing than being a 'guru'!

But in order to be successful, the Internet marketer has to come onto the marketplace with insurmountable confidence so that his or her target audience will believe the message that's being sold.

You need to pick a product or a topic that you have a passion about. Be able to exude confidence in your writing by knowing about your product and really liking what you do.

People are tired of dealing with the spam and all the automated in your face websites and marketing schemes. They want to deal with a real person, someone like them.

Your passion and being real will show in your marketing and writing and people will be attracted to you.

It might start slow, but once people start to find you, word spreads. Real people will email friends and put you on their myspace or blog page.

More people find you and do the same - it starts a snowball effect. And it all started with being real and putting yourself out there.

A guru isn't someone who knows better how to do something. A guru, in the Internet marketing world, is someone who did it in an original fashion and/or someone who has been earning a living steadily online for a long amount of time and therefore knows his or her "stuff."

A little guy may be new to selling a product, but that doesn't mean he or she hasn't worked online for months or years to learn the ropes. If you were able to come online and learn Internet marketing well enough that it allowed you to succeed in a short amount of time, then that makes you a guru in your own right.

Many people are, in fact, turned off by the word "guru" and get bored of reading about someone's expertise. Fresh is a good thing in the world of Internet marketing, so before you throw in the towel and call it quits, make sure you at least give your dreams a shot at success and see if the public is willing to invest in your knowledge.

Remember that enthusiasm boils over, even on a static web page. So if you believe in your product, then it doesn't matter what niche you're targeting for your Internet marketing efforts - your audience will soak up your attitude and carry the torch for you into the realm of profits and guru status yourself!

Looking for the right product?
You see the potential of the internet but are not sure what to sell --

So you have decided you are willing to put in the time and effort to market on the internet but you are not sure what to sell.

Selling information and your expertise are great things. There is no shipping, no cost of production, just the one time creation of the message.

MLM and network marketing provide the perfect marriage of product, information and the internet.

With these companies you are educating people on different products. Products that they can't find in the stores. You become the expert, the 'guru', that people listen to because you are giving them free advice and trying to help them find the best products for them.

The MLM company has the problems of producing the product, collecting the money, and shipping the product.

The key to good internet marketing is to provide people with real content that is helpful to them. If they develop a trust in you and what you have to say, you become the 'guru'.

Once that happens, you won't have to sell anymore, people will come to you wanting to buy.

Don't forget, 98% of the people that start a web page or marketing on the Internet will quit. They just give up.

Anyone willing to put in some time and have the determination to follow through can and will succeed.

It's not an overnight thing, it takes time and it takes commitment.

Will you be one of those 2% that succeed?

Expect Success, Create Success!

Check out these opportunities

Here are some companies that I have personally dealt with and that have great track records for providing superior products and support for their members.

Home Gourmet Candle Business
Start a home business that gives you a website free as part of your membership. This product is easy to sell retail so you can make enough to get your internet marketing going without tapping into your family budget.

Health and Wellness Business
A true global business opportunity. The web allows you to reach out to the world, here's a company that is doing the same. They are the 1 health and wellness company out there.

Internet Hosting service
Looking for a way to get your message and content out where people can see it? This is more that just a hosting service, they make it so anyone, no matter their computer knowledge, can create a webpage that can out compete 95% of whats on the Internet.

Written by

Michael Tomberlin

If you are looking for a home business opportunity I offer a team that can help coach you and train you to create the income you desire.

Contact me at

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