Thursday, March 6, 2008

Stress - what is it good for?, absolutely nothing - say it again, STRESS!

Like the song says, "WAR, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing -" But it still keeps popping up.

Like war, stress seems to stick around dispite all of our attempts to rid our lives of it.

Also like war, stress is a killer. Stress is the cause of 99% of all disease. Reducing stress is guaranteed to give you a healthier life and can prevent future health problems!

Most of us feel some kind of stress every day.

The dictionary defines stress as physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension. Everyday 87% of the population lives under this type of stress. We worry about money, children, jobs, our spouse or significant other and hundreds of other things on a daily basis. Just driving to the corner store can cause tension as you dodge that crazy driver or see the price of gas at the pump.

Some people are very aware of the strain and tension in their life, but many of us live with stress that we don't see or are unwilling to admit we have. We just go about our daily life thinking this is the way it is supposed to be, the norm. We build our lives and behaviors around stress.

More Medical Problems are caused by Stress than anything else!

Learning the right way to relax and reduce tension can help your body work better and create a healthier life. Your body’s natural processes are affected by stress. Stress can be a killer and reducing your stress should be a top priority in your life.
Stress can cause
  1. Your Body to Age: - Which means all your cells and organs are getting old before their time. When your stomach ages, food sits in it longer and can start to spoil before its even digested. This can lead to colon problems. Your skin and heart can also be affected by stress.
  2. Sugar to Build Up: - When humans were hunters and gatherers, they had stress when they were being stalked by a predator. The body understood this stress and releases sugars for instant energy so we could flee or fight. Now, when the stress causes the sugars to release, we don't use them for energy. They go unused and the body stores them as fat instead.
  3. Your Blood to Thicken: - Thicker blood allows it to carry more oxygen to help with our fight or flight as previously mentioned. Again we don't use this feature as nature originally intended and now thicker blood only starts the process of building up plaque on the walls of our arteries.
  4. Increased Number of Diseases: - Stress depresses the immune system. Colds and viruses are more common in stressed people. Viruses can cause some cancers, thus keeping a strong healthy immune system is a must. Stress has also been linked to Parkinson's disease.

Because it is impossible to get rid of all stress, we need to give our bodies the things it needs to be healthy and overcome the ill effects that stress creates. These can include:

Providing you body with the nutrients it needs.

While this sounds simple enough, when you body is under stress , the stomach shuts down so even if you are eating a good diet, your body isn’t getting what it needs. Supplementation is the answer. But again, be careful. Not all supplements are created equal. There is only one company out there making supplements that can be used by the body when it is under stress. They have created a vitamin pack that provides your body with over 80 bionutrients. It has 14 patents on its delivery system. This means it is guaranteed to get the nutrients to your cells where they are needed and not just on a nice ride through your digestive tract.

Boosting your immune system.

Stress makes our bodies more susceptible to disease. It lowers your overall immunity and it creates a situation where a majority of you immune system is battling disease in you colon.
Interferon was discovered almost 50 years ago by a Japanese researcher. He spent a good portion of his life learning how it works with our immune system and helps our bodies defend themselves against disease. He learned how to put it into a form that we can take to boost our immunity. It is a patented process and it can give you a supercharged immune system.

Order this patented product - its 100% guaranteed!

Getting more protein.

Most people don’t get enough protein. Stress causes the body to need more of it and so your body raids the muscles to get what it needs. When there is nothing to replace the muscle protein it gets replaced with fat. We slowly lose our shape and definition as we lose muscle.
Adding more meat to our diet is not the best solution. Today, almost all commercial meat is contaminated in some way. The beef, pork and chicken you buy from the supermarket is pumped full of antibiotics.

A better solution is soy protein. This is a plant protein that has all the amino acids a human body needs. There is one company that has developed a way to get the protein out of the plant without damaging any of the amino acids. They also extract critical enzymes from the plant that allows our bodies to absorb the protein and use it to rebuild muscle. Without the enzymes, the cells can’t use the protein properly.

To learn more, visit my HealthyLife website at

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