Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year’s Resolutions: Hype or Hope?

As the year comes to a close, the tradition of making your New Year’s Resolutions stares you in the face. It’s a time for all of us to look back at who we are and what we have done. It’s a time for us to look forward at who we want to be and what we want to do and accomplish in our lives.

A New Year’s Resolution is a commitment made by someone trying to change a habit or part of their lifestyle. Usually it is something that is meant to change life for the better or what is perceived as better. With the coming of a new year, it is a symbol of rebirth and a great time to make a positive change to one’s life. The concept of a New Year’s Resolution has been around for hundreds of years.

And for hundreds of years many of the annual self-improvement plans are broken. Some resolutions are never really started while others make it a few weeks or months before being dropped to the wayside. Quite often it is the difficulty of change and the comfort and ease of just keeping things the same that causes us to fail at the resolutions we make each year.

Many of us make one or more of the following “Top 10” yearly resolutions –

1. Spend more time with family
2. Get fit
3. Lose weight
4. Quit Smoking
5. Enjoy life more
6. Quit Drinking
7. Get out of debt
8. Learn something new
9. Help others
10. Get organized

Change no matter how good it might be is a hard thing to do. Many of us live with bad habits and bad situations but because it is easier to just keep going we never make the effort for real change. The New Year and the chance for resolutions and change give us all hope but most of us don’t do what is required to make the change.

If you find yourself making one or more of these resolutions each year only to see it never be accomplished, here are a few helpful hints and tips to try and really make the positive change you desire.

1. Write down your goals and resolutions – be detailed in what you want to do and get. If you want to lose weight, how much. Don’t just say be skinnier, but say I want to lose 10 pounds or 1 pound every month.

2. Post your resolutions – Once you have them written down put them somewhere you will see them every day. Hang it on the mirror or above your desk. You have to keep reminding yourself what you are trying to accomplish.

3. Find pictures or sayings that show you your final goal. If it was to make more money, what were you going to do with it? If it was to get that new car, find a picture of that car. If you wanted to lose weight to buy that new dress, place the picture of it next to your resolution. It’s much easier to keep working if you know there is a reward at the end.

4. Be realistic – Set a goal that you can actually achieve. Becoming the starting quarterback for your favorite NFL team might be a great goal and a lifelong dream but are you really in the position to get there? Can you really lose 50 pounds this year? Making small achievable goals allows you to have success. Success breeds success! Once you are successful at achieving a resolution, it will be that much easier to accomplish another one.

5. Find a partner or group that has made the same or similar resolution. Having someone to talk to and help keep you on track is a HUGE bonus. It becomes easy to rationalize or quit on ourselves, but if you have someone relying on you to be there for them and help them succeed it will keep you on track and going strong.

Achieving your goals and making resolutions that are attainable is not an impossible job. Just follow a few simple rules and you too can be having success making positive change. And don’t forget, it doesn’t have to be January 1st in order to make a change. Be open to possibilities and let change happen.

Don’t dwell on the past or the future, as the wise Kung Fu master once said, “The past is history, the future is a mystery but today is a gift that is why they call it the present!”

One day at a time, one step at a time we can all succeed.

Think about it!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Helping Out

Recently I was contacted by a member of a support group for people afflicted with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She asked if I would help support the group and spread the word about this condition. If you are someone affected by IBS but think you are all alone, I want you to know as many as 1 in 8 people have some form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Don't be afraid to get the help and support you need. ~

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS

If you are afflicted by Irritable Bowel Syndrome you already know that while it’s not classified as a disease, it can be very debilitating.

There is no magic pill or set cure that can relieve your symptoms, but you will be happy to know that with some changes in your lifestyle such as diet, exercise and supplementation, you can relieve many of the symptoms of IBS and actually live a more comfortable and enjoyable life.

So what is IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also called spastic colon, is a functional bowel disorder that can be characterized by mild to severe abdominal pain or discomfort. It can cause bloating and an alteration of your bowel habits.

People with IBS are believed to have nerves and muscles in the bowel that appear to be extra sensitive. They many contract too much when the person eats or the nerves may react when the bowel stretches, both of these can cause cramping and pain. The symptoms of course are abdominal pain relieved by or associated with bowel movement, chronic diarrhea, constipation or both.

Women with IBS often have more symptoms during their menstrual periods.

IBS is a syndrome, meaning it is a group of symptoms. It is not classified as a disease but a functional disorder meaning the bowel doesn’t function correctly.

Ok, so now that I have IBS what can I do about it?

Often times, Irritable Bowel Syndrome begins after a stressful life event or possibly after an infection. It can also be tied to problems with your immune system.

IBS really has no cure; however, there are lifestyle changes you can make that can relieve your symptoms.

Because Irritable Bowel Syndrome is related to the colon and the digestive system, what you eat and how you eat are big factors in controlling IBS.

Things that can help improve or relieve the symptoms include Diet changes, medicines, stress relief, nutritional supports are methods of relieving the problem.

The following information is not intended to replace medical care. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure.
I cannot personally recommend something I have not used, or products with which I am unfamiliar. This information is from people who have used products from a Shaklee Distributor like me. I can not take any responsibility for other products used in place of those that I mention below. While I do distribute Shaklee products, I am writing this page purely for information and to educate. If you find it helpful and would like more information about any of the products or more detailed testimonials please feel free to contact me, Thanks, Mike.

Fiber is very important for helping with IBS. Be careful to add a little at a time to your daily diet plan. Too much can trigger gas, which triggers symptoms in an IBS person. A good fiber powder is recommended. Remember, all fiber is not equal.

Adding fiber foods is also good, whole grain breads, fruits, vegetables, but again, small amounts at a time until the body can get used to more fiber.

Eat small meals, several times a day rather than large meals.

Laxatives may be prescribed but most laxatives strip rather than making the bowels work and laxatives make them weak. I do recommend the Herb Lax developed by Dr. Shaklee years ago. Two of the herbs in the product make the intestine and bowel work and become strong.

People have reported stress will make IBS symptoms worse. "Stress" creates damage in all parts of the body and should be "tamed" if possible.

Carbonated drinks, fatty foods, chocolate, milk, alcohol and caffeine can also trigger symptoms.

Drink lots of water. Be sure to get at least 6-8 cups of water each day. It will help keep the stool soft (especially important with increased fiber intake) and it will keep you hydrated if you are experiencing diarrhea.

Exercise is always good for the body and keeping it functioning properly. It doesn’t have to be extreme. A nice walk that gets your body feeling warm is perfect. If you are “new” to prescribed exercise, the 5 out plan works well. Just walk 5 minutes away from home and then you HAVE to walk 5 minutes back. As you feel up to it increase the time walking away from home. It’s easy, reduces stress and you might even meet some of your neighbors.

Nutritional support

There are three stages for adding supplements recommended for people that have Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Stage 1: Start the healing process – The following supplements are a good way to get started towards relieving IBS symptoms

· To reduce inflammation, a garlic supplement that has not been killed by over heating
· Unflavored Fiber Plan - 1/2 tsp to start. Work up to 1 tsp and then 1 Tablespoon 2 times a day. You need to start slowly and listen to your body. Fiber can make things worse if too much is taken too quickly. Let your body get used to the new fiber slowly.
· Herbal laxative: promotes cleansing of bowel irritants; stool softening.
· A non-GMO (not engineered) soy protein which contains the Genistine which aids in mucosal tissue repair, taken 2 x a day in water, soy or rice milk. (remember dairy can make things worse)
· Omega 3 fatty acids (uncontaminated) are important for anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties and better insulin receptors (much better than flax oil.)
· A good GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid) can also be used.
· It can also help if you add a product which provides peppermint, ginger, and other herbs used traditionally for stomach soothing effects as well as fennel and anise.
· Lecithin: lubricates and heals bowel lining

Stage 2: Rebuild health and better bowel function – Now that the healing has started, we want to get the colon back to optimal health

· Alfalfa, 1-2 a day, build up to 10 a day. Alfalfa has minerals you will not get any place else. It is an excellent bowel cleanser and alfalfa promotes healing.
· Prebiotic / probiotic - Optiflora, repopulates the bowel with "friendly" bacteria. You want to rebuild health of the intestinal tract and protect lining of the intestine. If the bowel is inflamed may need to take one capsule for the first 5 days and start the powder at just 1/2 tsp per day.
· Beta Carotene and other carotenoids help heal the lining (CarotoMax)
· Vitamin E - blocks aracononic acid which promotes the inflammatory response.
· Vitamin B-Complex - provides support and is also known as the happy vitamin as it contributes to stress relief product.
· Vitamin C - promotes intestinal healing

Stage 3: Maintenance – Keeping your colon healthy and working right goes a long way towards relieving Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Everyone is different and the amount of supplements and how long you take them will vary. Some of the stage 1 and 2 supplements should be included in your maintenance program.

· Multi-Vitamin and minerals – be careful at this stage. If the bowels are really inflamed, the minerals in a multivitamin may further irritate them. Be sure to start the healing process with the first 2 stages before beginning with a good Multi.

· E-Z gest - Digestive enzymes can aide in and are important for proper digestion.

The 3 stages don’t have a set time table. The best information you will ever get is the information your body is giving you. Start slow, give the supplements time to help and listen to your body on what is working for you.

Remember everyone is different. I just know that the supplements and lifestyle changes mentioned above have helped others, but I am not a doctor and I cannot prescribe or diagnose so it is in my best opinion that I am giving these recommendations. If you want more detailed testimonials or product descriptions please contact me. You can also click the product names. Many of them are linked to other more detailed pages.

I would love to hear your success stories. Many of us have little problems in life and the support of others gives a good deal of relief and helps us all keep up the faith.

Remember a little education goes a long way!

Think about it!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Years Resolutions

Well 2008 is almost over and I have returned to look at the blog I started almost 1 year ago. I resolved to write down my resolutions and document what was happening in my life. As I searched for change I thought writing things down would help me to continue down the course of change much easier.

Well here is my progress report:
I did pretty good about changing some things this year. I took the big step of quitting my job and starting my own business(es). It is going ok. Slow but promising.

I didn't do so good about writing things down in this blog as I resolved to do.

So as I appraoach a new year I am continuing my resolve for change and change for the better.

I am writing more and getting better at it so I will once again resolve to add more to my blog and make it a part of my life.

I am now a part of the network marketing/social marketing scene. It is lots of work, but very exciting each little successful step. I really enjoy the challenge and the chance to help others achieve their dreams of change.

I hope you will join me on this quest for change for the better and success on our own. Its scary but exciting to be out of the employee mold and into the self employed - boss - mode.

Here's to a great 2009.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Stress - what is it good for?, absolutely nothing - say it again, STRESS!

Like the song says, "WAR, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing -" But it still keeps popping up.

Like war, stress seems to stick around dispite all of our attempts to rid our lives of it.

Also like war, stress is a killer. Stress is the cause of 99% of all disease. Reducing stress is guaranteed to give you a healthier life and can prevent future health problems!

Most of us feel some kind of stress every day.

The dictionary defines stress as physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension. Everyday 87% of the population lives under this type of stress. We worry about money, children, jobs, our spouse or significant other and hundreds of other things on a daily basis. Just driving to the corner store can cause tension as you dodge that crazy driver or see the price of gas at the pump.

Some people are very aware of the strain and tension in their life, but many of us live with stress that we don't see or are unwilling to admit we have. We just go about our daily life thinking this is the way it is supposed to be, the norm. We build our lives and behaviors around stress.

More Medical Problems are caused by Stress than anything else!

Learning the right way to relax and reduce tension can help your body work better and create a healthier life. Your body’s natural processes are affected by stress. Stress can be a killer and reducing your stress should be a top priority in your life.
Stress can cause
  1. Your Body to Age: - Which means all your cells and organs are getting old before their time. When your stomach ages, food sits in it longer and can start to spoil before its even digested. This can lead to colon problems. Your skin and heart can also be affected by stress.
  2. Sugar to Build Up: - When humans were hunters and gatherers, they had stress when they were being stalked by a predator. The body understood this stress and releases sugars for instant energy so we could flee or fight. Now, when the stress causes the sugars to release, we don't use them for energy. They go unused and the body stores them as fat instead.
  3. Your Blood to Thicken: - Thicker blood allows it to carry more oxygen to help with our fight or flight as previously mentioned. Again we don't use this feature as nature originally intended and now thicker blood only starts the process of building up plaque on the walls of our arteries.
  4. Increased Number of Diseases: - Stress depresses the immune system. Colds and viruses are more common in stressed people. Viruses can cause some cancers, thus keeping a strong healthy immune system is a must. Stress has also been linked to Parkinson's disease.

Because it is impossible to get rid of all stress, we need to give our bodies the things it needs to be healthy and overcome the ill effects that stress creates. These can include:

Providing you body with the nutrients it needs.

While this sounds simple enough, when you body is under stress , the stomach shuts down so even if you are eating a good diet, your body isn’t getting what it needs. Supplementation is the answer. But again, be careful. Not all supplements are created equal. There is only one company out there making supplements that can be used by the body when it is under stress. They have created a vitamin pack that provides your body with over 80 bionutrients. It has 14 patents on its delivery system. This means it is guaranteed to get the nutrients to your cells where they are needed and not just on a nice ride through your digestive tract.

Boosting your immune system.

Stress makes our bodies more susceptible to disease. It lowers your overall immunity and it creates a situation where a majority of you immune system is battling disease in you colon.
Interferon was discovered almost 50 years ago by a Japanese researcher. He spent a good portion of his life learning how it works with our immune system and helps our bodies defend themselves against disease. He learned how to put it into a form that we can take to boost our immunity. It is a patented process and it can give you a supercharged immune system.

Order this patented product - its 100% guaranteed!

Getting more protein.

Most people don’t get enough protein. Stress causes the body to need more of it and so your body raids the muscles to get what it needs. When there is nothing to replace the muscle protein it gets replaced with fat. We slowly lose our shape and definition as we lose muscle.
Adding more meat to our diet is not the best solution. Today, almost all commercial meat is contaminated in some way. The beef, pork and chicken you buy from the supermarket is pumped full of antibiotics.

A better solution is soy protein. This is a plant protein that has all the amino acids a human body needs. There is one company that has developed a way to get the protein out of the plant without damaging any of the amino acids. They also extract critical enzymes from the plant that allows our bodies to absorb the protein and use it to rebuild muscle. Without the enzymes, the cells can’t use the protein properly.

To learn more, visit my HealthyLife website at http://www.healthylife-healthyplanet.com/

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Internet Marketing for the average person

Can a Little Guy Battle the Gurus in the Game of Internet Marketing?

You may think that thousands of people are flocking online daily to seek out their rightful place among Internet marketing giants who have created a virtual empire of passive profits.

But while they may be looking into it, many prospective Internet marketers are too intimidated to actually do anything to stake their claim.

The primary reason? They don't know how to produce a product with an unusual or unique slant.

But guess what, you don't have to produce a product at all, and you don't have to be an expert or guru to start earning money with Internet Marketing.

Whats your reason?
Many newbie 'net marketers believe that if one person is already successfully selling an information product on affiliate marketing, then there's no room at the top, so they drop their dreams and return to the shackles of a 9-5 daily grind in corporate America (or elsewhere in the world).

You can be successful.

There is more to internet marketing than being a 'guru'!

But in order to be successful, the Internet marketer has to come onto the marketplace with insurmountable confidence so that his or her target audience will believe the message that's being sold.

You need to pick a product or a topic that you have a passion about. Be able to exude confidence in your writing by knowing about your product and really liking what you do.

People are tired of dealing with the spam and all the automated in your face websites and marketing schemes. They want to deal with a real person, someone like them.

Your passion and being real will show in your marketing and writing and people will be attracted to you.

It might start slow, but once people start to find you, word spreads. Real people will email friends and put you on their myspace or blog page.

More people find you and do the same - it starts a snowball effect. And it all started with being real and putting yourself out there.

A guru isn't someone who knows better how to do something. A guru, in the Internet marketing world, is someone who did it in an original fashion and/or someone who has been earning a living steadily online for a long amount of time and therefore knows his or her "stuff."

A little guy may be new to selling a product, but that doesn't mean he or she hasn't worked online for months or years to learn the ropes. If you were able to come online and learn Internet marketing well enough that it allowed you to succeed in a short amount of time, then that makes you a guru in your own right.

Many people are, in fact, turned off by the word "guru" and get bored of reading about someone's expertise. Fresh is a good thing in the world of Internet marketing, so before you throw in the towel and call it quits, make sure you at least give your dreams a shot at success and see if the public is willing to invest in your knowledge.

Remember that enthusiasm boils over, even on a static web page. So if you believe in your product, then it doesn't matter what niche you're targeting for your Internet marketing efforts - your audience will soak up your attitude and carry the torch for you into the realm of profits and guru status yourself!

Looking for the right product?
You see the potential of the internet but are not sure what to sell --

So you have decided you are willing to put in the time and effort to market on the internet but you are not sure what to sell.

Selling information and your expertise are great things. There is no shipping, no cost of production, just the one time creation of the message.

MLM and network marketing provide the perfect marriage of product, information and the internet.

With these companies you are educating people on different products. Products that they can't find in the stores. You become the expert, the 'guru', that people listen to because you are giving them free advice and trying to help them find the best products for them.

The MLM company has the problems of producing the product, collecting the money, and shipping the product.

The key to good internet marketing is to provide people with real content that is helpful to them. If they develop a trust in you and what you have to say, you become the 'guru'.

Once that happens, you won't have to sell anymore, people will come to you wanting to buy.

Don't forget, 98% of the people that start a web page or marketing on the Internet will quit. They just give up.

Anyone willing to put in some time and have the determination to follow through can and will succeed.

It's not an overnight thing, it takes time and it takes commitment.

Will you be one of those 2% that succeed?

Expect Success, Create Success!

Check out these opportunities

Here are some companies that I have personally dealt with and that have great track records for providing superior products and support for their members.

Home Gourmet Candle Business
Start a home business that gives you a website free as part of your membership. This product is easy to sell retail so you can make enough to get your internet marketing going without tapping into your family budget.

Health and Wellness Business
A true global business opportunity. The web allows you to reach out to the world, here's a company that is doing the same. They are the 1 health and wellness company out there.

Internet Hosting service
Looking for a way to get your message and content out where people can see it? This is more that just a hosting service, they make it so anyone, no matter their computer knowledge, can create a webpage that can out compete 95% of whats on the Internet.

Written by

Michael Tomberlin

If you are looking for a home business opportunity I offer a team that can help coach you and train you to create the income you desire.

Contact me at candles@bellascentedcandles.com

Home Candle Business for men

Home Candle Business for Men

Are you looking for a way to make a little extra money or even enough to quit your full time job? A home candle business can be the answer especially if you are a man.Do a search of all the candle websites and home candle business networkmarketers and you will find it is over 90% women. This is not a bad thing, actually it is a great thing if you are a man. It is a market that is wide open for men and there is a demand to fill this niche.Don't think just because it is mostly women that buy candles that you can't be successful as a man in this business. If is just the opposite.If you are really looking for a networkmarketing business, candles are the perfect place to get started.

So what can I offer to you?

Candles are one of the top selling gifts in America. They have even been voted the top gift choice in recent polling.They are a hot product and with the advent of new, gourmet, healthy wax candles that don't produce the harmful soot and toxins the home candle business is really in its infancy.The opportunity is there, it only requires someone who has the desire to create a network and the ability to be trained to do it right.That is where I come in. I have a team of people ready to help you be successful in your home candle business.We are ready to be your mentor and coach, are you ready to join us?

Your Home Candle Business -

Here are 3 ways we can train you to make money

It is very important for you to be clear on what you are trying to achieve and what your goals are when you start a new business. A home candle business is no different. It is your commitment that ultimately determines your success.We are here to match you level of commitment. There are 3 ways for you to make money and achieve success with a network marketing home business.

- Retail sales: This is one of the best ways to make money quickly. It is a perfect way to get some money in the bank quickly so you can stop using your personal funds to support your business. The old adage of "It takes money to make money" is quite often true.This can include home parties, office parties, open houses, information seminars, direct face to face selling, booths, shows, expos, gift baskets, corporate gifts, realtor open house and new home buyer gifts; teacher and specialty gifts; and much more. You are only limited by your imagination.From my experience this is quite often the place where most men feel inadaquate. How can we talk about candles. WE don't burn candles. But just imagine having something to talk about to all those women you come in contact with everyday at work, at the store, everywhere. Don't you think they would find it refreshing to hear about something besides the game on TV last night.

- Fundraisers: There are hundreds of groups out there doing fundraisers all the time. Schools, bands, clubs, sports teams. This is where I think being a man can give us a little advantage. When you call up the local youth football league, the coach is usually male. And no matter how far women have come in the workplace, the football coach will more often than not listen to you, a Man, before he does a woman.It seems like the more things change the more they stay the same. I have a huge respect for women in the workplace and even more so women who choose to stay at home and take care of their kids while trying to do a work from home job. But despite my feelings, men (and sometimes even women) working in business, making monetary decisions will quite often go with a male salesman over a female. It may be a sad fact but I believe it is a fact and its just another reason I see a home candle business as being a perfect place for the right guy to really make it big.

- Team building: Team building is what creates residual income. It is how you can leverage time and make it work for you instead of against you.The Heart of Network Marketing is team building. It is not a pyramid scheme but a solid marketing approach that allows you to get paid on what you do as well as get a residual income of the efforts you put into your team.

Learn more about a Candle Business

Educate yourself on what is involved in a home candle business and how network marketing really works.

Understanding Network Marketing
Learn more on what Network Marketing really is and what it is not. This video explains exctly how you can leverage time to create residual income. Get paid over and over for work you do one time. Learn how.

Candle Business Presentation
Watch this short video presentation to see more about the candle business and the many different ways to build income including: retail, fundraising and team building.

What makes this opportunity the right business opportunity

There are hundreds of home businesses out there - here is why to choose a home candle business

1. Product is something people want and use. There is no complicated message to get across. If people will smell them, you can sell them.

2. Product is highly consumable allowing for repeat sales.

3. The products wholesale price is low enough that you can make a good income through retail sales. This allows you to create income quickly.

4. Retail income will give you an opperating budget so you can market online and off without cutting into your personal savings.

5. Safe and Natural wax candles are a young industry. The competion is still low and the niche for men selling candles is almost empty. The opportunity is wide open waiting for someone to fill it.

6. Low monthly cost to be a distributor - Less than $50. And you get enough product that you can recoup this cost through retail sales.

7. A marketing plan that allows you to generate an income to replace a full time job (and more).

8. Team training and individul coaching to help you reach your business goals.

9. The ability to make money in a variety of ways. You are not locked into doing business in just one way, choose the method that fits your personality and business goals.

To learn more go to Bella Scented Candles

Let me help you reach your goals - one step at a time.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Landmark Nutritional Supplement Study from UC Berkeley

A recent study by University of California at Berkeley School of Public Health. The study compares the health of people who have been taking supplements to those who don't. They focus specifically on users of Shaklee supplements and their health. The results are very dramatic.

read more | digg story

Friday, January 11, 2008

How to write a good title or headline

Since I am new to this blogging thing, I was doing a little surfin' to see if I could get any tips on how to write good blogs. I came across a page called "How to write a good headline".

He said the purpose of a Headline was to get your first sentence read and the purpose of your first sentence was to get the second sentence read and so on .....

It sounded good to me.

The hard part, writing the good headline.

SO..... he did mention this software called 'Glyphius' that is supposed to rank your writing whether it is just a headline or a paragraph and tell you how well it will go over.

I thought I might try it.

If you have tried it, let me know what you think.

Its a little expensive, (around $100) but I guess if you are really trying to get your blog read then maybe its worthwhile.

Heres the link to check out the sales page if you want to read more about it. Click Here!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years Resolutions

I am currently working on my New Years resolutions. This is the time of year we all promise ourselves to make change and quite often we fail after the first week or the first month.

This year I think my first resolution is to only make resolutions I can actually achieve and do to completion.

I started some change in my life last year and I think I am definately going to continue with this change.

So for my first declared resolution of 2008 -

I resolve to write down all my resolutions here on this blog as a way of keeping me on track. I will come back as often as necessary to update and add to my resolutions.